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What does it mean to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Saying "Yes" to the unique life and commitment of a Core Team member, or other volunteer role means responding to Christ's missionary call in multiple unique ways. As a member of Core Team you really have two equally important roles: mentoring teenagers and encouraging them to become holistically Catholic. Both of these goals require a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus and His Church. 


High School (IMPACT) Volunteer Opportunities


What does it mean to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Saying "Yes" to the unique life and commitment of a Core Team member, or other volunteer role means responding to Christ's missionary call in multiple unique ways. As a member of Core Team you really have two equally important roles: mentoring teenagers and encouraging them to become holistically Catholic. Both of these goals require a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus and His Church.

What's the time commitment to be a catechist?

  • Once a week to assist in Hight School Youth Group

    • Sunday: 6:00-8:30 pm

  • Weekly preparation (1 hour)

  • Attend trainings, retreats and socials for our catechists


Below are our volunteer opportunities for the 2021-2022 Faith Formation year

IMPACT Core Team Lead Catechist
IMPACT Core Team Leaders are tasked with breaking open the Scripture and Tradition of the Catholic faith through an engaging and dynamic discussion session each Sunday evening. Core Team Leaders receive lessons and resource material ahead of each session in anticipation of a dynamic and fun conversation with high schoolers. Each discussion-based small group is a mix of high school age teens from our surrounding community! Core Team Leaders are especially encouraged to engage with teens through contact ministry, personal faith-sharing, mentoring, and of course, fun!


IMPACT Ember Team Mentor
Ember Team Mentors are vital to the success of our peer-leadership program. Mentors overlap and/or work closely with the Core Team to help our teen leaders minister to and evangelize their peers. Mentors play a vital role each Sunday night, as well as in the planning and development stages of Ember Team leadership training.

IMPACT Ember Team (Confirmed Teen Leaders)
Ember Team is a peer leadership team made up of teens in grades 10 and above who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Ember Team seeks to serve the Church by witnessing the Catholic Faith through prayer, community life, leadership, service, and evangelization. Primarily Ember Team is tasked with co-leading Sunday Night Youth Group (IMPACT) along with the Core Team and Parent Support Teams. Duties include giving testimonies, various kinds of service, and leading games, prayer, and other activities.

IMPACT Barnabas Team Member
Barnabas Team members are EIM compliant adults over 18 years of age who act as support and additional contact staff for the IMPACT program. Their responsibilities can include anything from games setup for a rally night to retreat staff to drivers and chaperons for special events. This role is perfect for anyone who wants to contribute to the faith formation of a young person, but maybe can’t commit to lesson planning each week.

IMPACT Martha Team (Meal Team) Member
IMPACT Martha volunteers serve an EXTREMELY important role for our teens: FEEDING THEM! IMPACT begins with a shared meal each week, and we need parent volunteers to provide simple meals, serve, and organize clean up.

IMPACT Martha Team Lead(s)
Martha Team leaders are asked to organize a serving calendar and teams of volunteers for meal teams. This job is perfect for someone who loves organizing and logistics! We need you!

IMPACT Musician
Musicians are needed to help our young people learn and engage in worship more effectively!  All instruments and skill levels are welcomed!



A Special Call to Young Adults and Parents!


IMPACT Young Adult Volunteer
We need young adults who are willing to share their faith! Confirmed Catholics between the ages of 18 and 30 have a unique opportunity to share their faith with young people in relatable and tangible ways. Young adults are encouraged to consider joining any of the teams listed above to share your unique gifts!

IMPACT Parent Volunteer
We need parents who are willing to share their faith and be present to our young people. Parents who get involved have children who get involved!  Parents are encouraged to consider joining any of the teams listed above to share their faith and perspective on live an authentically Catholic Life!


Contact the SVdP Youth Office via the form below for more information on the variety of ways

you can serve SVdP Youth Programs.


Thanks for inquiring about SVdP Volunteer Opportunities. A Core Team Representative will be in touch with you shortly. Blessings!

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