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"But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you,
and you will be my WITNESSES in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Hey Parents!
Details for Confirmation 2024 will be released by November 1, 2023. Join our email list below to receive all Confirmation updates. 

Primary Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation:

  • The bond with the church is strengthened which first began in baptism

  • The person is enriched with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and receives the spiritual gifts of the spirit.


Both of these effects perfect the grace that is first received in Baptism and helps us continue to live our baptismal call as disciples of Christ to the world.


"By the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed."CCC 1285

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: 


The High School Youth Confirmation program is a two year formation process. Candidates are typically confirmed in the second semester of their 10th grade year (or equivalent age) as long as all preparation requirements have been met. Candidates must complete a 2-year preparation process. Our high school sacrament preparation classes include discussion, social justice and spiritual projects, a weekend retreat and fellowship. Confirmation candidates are given a vast array of opportunities to live, learn, and appreciate the Catholic faith. Enrollment and attendance  in-person at our High School Youth Ministry, IMPACT, which meets on Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the PAC, is required unless teens are enrolled in Catholic School for the 2022-2023 school year. 

SVdP Program Requirements for Confirmation Preparation:

Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation are expected to participate fully in each way listed below. Failure to meet these requirements will result in loss of Confirmation eligibility for the immediate Faith Formation year.


  • Adolescents ages 14-19 years old

  • Who are Baptized and have received Communion

  • Regularly attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation

  • Participate in regular Youth Ministry & Religious Education activities (IMPACT Youth Nights) with at least 80% attendance for the 2 academic years prior to the Confirmation date (typically 9th & 10th grade).

  • Participate in all Confirmation Prep sessions. Students who miss more than two Confirmation sessions will not be eligible for Confirmation.

  • Has completed the Confirmation I Year (9th Grade Religious Education/Youth Group)

  • *Confirmation Prep students who are not receiving Religious Education in a catholic school setting must have a record of enrollment and attendance at IMPACT (SVdP High School Youth Ministry) or equivalent

  • Turn in all registration, and retreat paperwork by February 1 of the Confirmation year.

  • Participate in a Confirmation Retreat. See retreat information below. 

  • Completion of a Confirmation interview with Fr. Tom Reitmeyer, Fr. Brian McMaster, James Longoria, a deacon, or another Confirmation preparation leader. 

  • Show a desire for, understanding of, and readiness for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation Preparation Session Schedule:

Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation are expected to participate fully in each session listed below. Failure to meet these requirements will result in loss of Confirmation eligibility for the immediate religious education year.​


Confirmation Session Types:​

  • Five Prep Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:00 PM,  Parish Activity Center (PAC)

    • ​Large group gathering of Confirmation candidates covering basic teachings related to the Sacrament of Confirmation. Like a Youth night with a greater emphasis on catechesis. Sponsors and Parents are also invited. 

  • Three Holy Huddles 6:00 - 8:00 PM, St. Vincent de Paul Campus OR time and place determined by the small group leader

    • Small group (5-7 teens) with, at least, two adult faith formation volunteers to discuss additional topics related to Confirmation. Small group volunteers consist of parents, sponsors, and adult parishioners who volunteer in our Confirmation faith formation program.

2023-2024 Session Dates COMING SOON!

Confirmation Retreat Information: COMING SOON!

All candidates are required to participate in an approved Confirmation Retreat. Retreat registration is separate from registration for Confirmation Preparation. (Please pick one or talk to James about other options!)


  • Witness Retreat, (Preferred) April 28-30. Register at (Registration opens 12/1)




  • DCYC, February 4-6, Register at (Registration opens 12/1)

  • Tec of Central Texas, January 14-16, 16 and up only, Register at


Mandatory Confirmation Rehearsal


  • Friday, May 12, 5:00 to 6:00 pm, SVDP Church


Confirmation Mass: Saturday, May 13, 5:00 pm, SVDP Church

All candidates and sponsors report to PAC at 3:30 PM!

Confirmation Supply Fee Payment (Program Tuition):


The cost for Confirmation Preparation is $65/candidate. This amount does not include the retreat cost. Please contact for any questions about fees. 


A link to submit payment for Confirmation 2024 will go live on November 14, 2023. In order to make things easy, we’re using the SVDP e-giving page. To make a payment, follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit the SVDP E-Giving Page HERE!

  2. Scroll down to the “Faith Formation” heading and find the option labeled “Confirmation Class Supply Fee”

  3. In the amount box, type “65”.

  4. In the frequency box select “One Time”.

  5. Click “Continue” at the bottom of the page.

  6. Enter your payment information and click “Process” at the bottom of the page.


Check or Cash Payments

If you’re planning on paying by cash or check you may do so by visiting the SVDP parish office. Payments may be dropped off at the front desk during normal business hours or dropped through the after-hours slot to the left of the front doors. All cash should be delivered in an envelope marked Confirmation 2022 with the candidate’s name and phone number clearly written on the front. Checks can be made out to St. Vincent de Paul with Confirmation and the candidate's name in the memo line.

Forms and Resources for Confirmation Candidates COMING SOON!
All Forms due by February 1 of the Confirmation year unless otherwise noted. Please scan and email all completed forms to or drop them off at the SVDP Parish Office during regular business hours. 


Ever feel like you're being called to something more? Are you a teen or a parent of a teen who is looking for a community to help you discover who you really are? Join us for Mass and for Youth Ministry each Sunday. 

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(512) 255-1389


St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
9500 Neenah Avenue 
Austin, TX 78717


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